Enrolling in a health insurance plan? Here’s how to avoid higher health insurance plan premiums

Enrolling in a health insurance plan? Here’s how to avoid higher health insurance plan premiums

This year, open enrollment runs from Nov. 1 to Jan. 15 and it is the only time you will be able to sign up for health insurance coverage for 2023. If your employer does not sponsor a health insurance plan, and if you are not covered by a spouse or parent, you will be required to enroll in an individual plan. Getting coverage is easy, but you want to make sure you get the best deal possible. Navigating the government’s marketplace website and researching the plans available in your county may be time-intensive. It can be tempting to simply choose the most affordable plan and forget about it – but you could miss out on important health care coverage needed by your family. Likewise, if you rely on your paycheck for daily expenses, you’ll want to ensure you’re not missing out on the best deal possible. A high premium – the amount you pay each month – is something you want to avoid. Read on to learn how.

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What is the health insurance marketplace?

An insurance marketplace is simply a web-based service run by the U.S. federal government where you can go and choose a health insurance plan. In most states, such as Florida or New York, individuals can use the HealthCare.gov website to find a health insurance plan from a health insurance company. In certain states, like California, the state government has its own marketplace.

When you find one of the health insurance plans through the website that you like, also known as an exchange, you’ll discover if you qualify for coverage one of the Medicaid plans or the Children’s Health Insurance Program as well as any premium tax credits, which make coverage more affordable.  Regardless of which plan you chose, you can be assured of quality care since all of the plans have to meet strict health care quality standards as part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) legislation.

Health Benefit Plans Categories

When searching for a plan, you’ll likely notice that they are categorized into tiers: bronze, silver, gold, and platinum. Bronze plans have the lowest premiums and the highest out-of-pocket expenses. Platinum plans have the highest premiums and lowest out-of-pocket costs.

Coverages, Exclusions and Limitations

All health benefit plans have exclusions and limitations and terms under which the coverage may be continued in force or discontinued. For costs and complete details of the coverage, refer to the plan document or call or write your insurance agent or the company

Changing Coverage

If you are moving to a new state, changing jobs, out of work or your employer has stopped offering insurance, your insurance can help. Contact your local health insurance company to explore your coverage options. 

Covered Member Support

No matter which insurance carrier you ultimately chose, you will want to be sure you know how to get member support.  All of them offer Online Chat, Toll-Free Telephone support, email and physical mail.  As well, our licensed agents are here to assist you every step of the way.

Speak to an Expert Licensed Insurance Agent Now. Only takes a few minutes.

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9 am to 5 pm ET Sat.

How can I get affordable coverage?

If you’re too busy to spend hours researching health insurance plans, you could end up with a health plan that results in a costly mistake. With premiums on the rise, it’s very easy to end up owing more than you can afford. Remember, you’ll be locked into the plan you choose for an entire year.

To make sure you get the best coverage possible, consider enlisting the help of a licensed insurance agent. An licensed agent will do the research for you, and help you find the most affordable coverage available to you. Best of all, this expert help comes at no additional cost to you. There’s really no reason not to speak with an agent about your options. You’ll gain valuable insight without spending hours researching online.

Why should I request a free insurance quote?

A free insurance quote is a valuable tool because you’ll gain insight into how much you can expect to pay each month. It only takes a few minutes, and you’re under no obligation to continue with the process.

Request a quote now, and in five minutes you’ll understand what kind of coverage is available to you and your family. You can even save your quote, shop around, and choose the agency you like best.

Let’s face it – buying health insurance isn’t fun, but it’s extremely important. Call Fiorella Insurance today to jumpstart the process and find the best coverage for you and the ones you love.

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