Without health insurance coverage, medical emergencies can bankrupt you. You may feel fine today, but no one knows the future. If you and your family don’t currently have health insurance, you’ll need to find health insurance coverage on the health insurance marketplace during the upcoming open enrollment period (Nov. 1 to Dec. 15) or risk potential penalties from the federal government.
Finding affordable health care coverage may seem daunting, but when you have a trusted insurance partner, it’s as simple as one, two, three:
1. Determine what kind of coverage you need
The first thing you need to do is evaluate your needs. You’ll have to consider how much you currently spend on monthly medical expenses, including doctor‘s bills and prescription medications.
You should also take into account your monthly budget – but don’t worry, if you cannot afford coverage, you may qualify for a health insurance plan premium subsidy. The federal government offers financial assistance to individuals and households that depend on their income for daily expenses. In fact, your monthly insurance payments could be as low as $0.
While you’re researching health insurance plans and their various options, you may come across these terms: Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) and Preferred Provider Organization (PPO). It’s important to understand the differences between these two types of insurance plans – especially with regards to out-of-pocket costs.
– You have to stay in network to get coverage.
– You need a referral from your primary care physician to see specialist.
– Usually lower premiums.
– You can leave your network, but it will cost more.
– You do not need a referral to see a specialist.
– Premiums could be higher.
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2. Request a free health insurance quote
Once you have a basic understanding of the type of coverage you’d like to pursue, it’s time to bring in a professional partner who will help with the complicated paperwork and ensure you’re getting the best deal possible. You will not be charged any extra fees for using an insurance agent.
Requesting a health insurance plan quote only takes a few minutes of your time and costs you absolutely nothing. In five minutes, you’ll have a better understanding of the types of coverage available to you and your family from within the different plan categories. You’ll also have a clear picture of the plan types and related plan cost. A licensed health insurance agent can help you determine if you qualify for a health insurance premium subsidy. You may be surprised by just how affordable your coverage can be.
Even if you don’t plan on buying coverage today, you can hold onto your quote and return later when you’re ready to enroll. Whenever you decide to enroll, our licensed health insurance agent is your best source of information about health insurance options.
3. Enroll in a plan before December 15
If you fail to sign up for health insurance – as well as dental and vision coverage – you’ll have to wait until next year, you may face fines from the federal government and you still won’t receive government subsidized health insurance coverage. You may be out hundreds or thousands of dollars, depending on the size of your household, and you will still be responsible for 100 percent of your medical bills. You may even be forced to forego needed health services. You also struggle to find a primary care physician or provider network that will accept you and your family.
Enrolling in a health insurance plan will protect you against massive medical bills, as well as provide peace of mind, knowing your loved ones are covered in the event of an emergency and can get needed health care services.
To find out if you qualify for FREE health insurance from the insurance company you prefer, request a complimentary quote from Fiorella Insurance today.
© 2019 Fiorella Insurance Agency
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